Laughter Yoga in Business Research Study


A Vichealth survey conducted in 2014 identified stress as the #1 issue facing business.

At about the same time, Lifeline also carried out a study and found there were actually 2 issues facing business.

  1. The first issue was stress.
  2. The second even, bigger, issue was the way we failed to manage the stress compared to other countries.

With this in mind, Laughter Yoga Australia partnered with Deakin University‘s School of Psychology to find out how Laughter Yoga could impact 2 Melbourne businesses. Both recognised that their people were suffering high levels of stress.

The study measured:

  • general life satisfaction
  • personal wellbeing
  • mood
  • self-esteem
  • optimism
  • control
  • workplace wellbeing.

After just 1 session, all of these measures improved, some by as much as 10%.

The study also measured levels of:

  • stress
  • depression
  • anxiety.

These indicators all decreased, some by up to 10%.

When the sessions ceased after 1 month, all but 1 measure went back towards their original state although never back to where they started. Workplace wellbeing continued to improve even after the program ended.

For a copy of the report or to discuss this further, contact Laughter Yoga Australia CEO, Merv Neal.